Matthias Alberti
Matthias Alberti is the Head of the Geological and Mineralogical Museum at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel. He received his PhD from Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg in 2013.
Matthias Alberti was awarded the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship in 2016, and Poster Award of the 9th International Congress of Jurassic Systems in 2014. He received the German Research Foundation Bernd Rendel Award in 2013, the "Young Paleontologist Award" (third place) in 2012, and the "Best Paper Award" awarded to a young researcher from Humboldt University for the best presentation in 2011. Matthias Alberti received a grant from the German Academic Exchange Service Program when study at a German university for two semesters in 2005.
His research focuses on reconstructing environmental conditions and ecosystems in Earth’s history. Published articles cover study areas on four continents (Asia, North America, South America, and Africa) and different time intervals (Meso- and Cenozoic). Previous work dealt with ammonite taxonomy, ichnology, palaeoecology, sedimentology, and palaeoclimatology. Currently, he concentrates mainly on reconstructing temperature and rainfall patterns with the help of geochemical analyses of calcareous invertebrate shells. He has published 64 publications (including 56 peer-reviewed articles in international journals), with H-index of 16 and i10-index of 30.