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The Academic Forum of Paleogeography organized by ISP continued to be held

Source:胡琳Updated:Apr 16,202330

At 20:00, March 9, 2023, the "Palaeogeography Academic Forum" organized by International society of Palaeogeogrophy was held as the seventh forum at Tencent and Kouxiang Academic Live Conference Online.

Since the first issue of the Palaeogeography Academic Forum started in September 2022, it kept a frequency of once a month, which has been strongly supported and highly recognized by experts in the academic community. Attendees of each meeting has reached more than 2000 people, showing an important role in promoting the exchange and dissemination of Palaeogeography along with good social benefits.

The topics of first seven academic reports and speech experts are as follows:

First Forum

Lecturer: professor Zhu Xiaomin, China University of Petroleum, Beijing

Title: Discussion on recent progress of sedimentary palaeogeography in China

Host: Professor Bao Zhidong, China University of Petroleum, Beijing

Second Forum

Lecturer: Professor Zhang Changmin, Yangtze University

Title: The System of alluvial fan, river fan, megafan and branch river : definition, characteristics and correlation

Host: Professor Kuang Hongwei, Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences

Third Forum

Lecturer: Professor Mike Blum, University of Kansas, USA

Title: Source-Sink system response in process

Host: Professor Gong Chenglin, China University of Petroleum, Beijing

Forth Forum

Lecturer: Professor Octavian Catuneanu, University of Alberta

Title: Two Approves to Sequence Strategy

Host: Li Pan, Senior Engineer of Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development

Fifth Forum

Lecturer: Professor Du Yuansheng, China University of Geosciences,Wuhan

Title: Storm Deposits in Geohistory from the Perspective of "Discussing the Ancient based on the Present"

Host: Professor Yu Wenchao, China University of Geosciences,Wuhan

The Sixth Forum

First Lecturer: Professor Yan Jiaxin, China University of Geosciences,Wuhan

Title: Talking about carbonate production plants and their classification

Second Lecturer: Li Fei, associate researcher of Southwest Petroleum University

Title: Role and Value of Oolite in Paleogeography and Sedimentology Research

Host: Liu Xiting, associate professor of Ocean University of China

The Seventh Forum

First Lecturer: Professor Hu Bin, Henan Polytechnic University

Title: Trace facies and trace assemblages in marine sedimentary environment

Second Lecturer: Professor Gong Yiming, China University of Geosciences,Wuhan

Title: Trace Fossils and Paleogeography

Host: Zhang Lijun, associate professor of Henan Polytechnic University

Partial academic forums can be played back through the platform for communication of scholars. Since three reporters admitted to replay the video presentation so far, by the afternoon of March 12, 2023, the first forum, the second forum and the sixth forum by Professor Yan Jiaxin had been played back 6369 times , 5469 times, and 2434 times online respectively.

The Palaeogeography Academic Forum will ever be held once a month to impel the development of palaeogeography and publicize the scientific research achievements of the discipline.